It's been almost a month since I updated the blog! E's not having much for Mommy computer time right now, so here's some pics and I promise to actually write something soon.
Click for video- Sir Stinky
Elijah Joseph was born by c-section on Thursday May 18th, 2006 at 12:16 AM. He was 1 lb 10 oz and 12 1/4 inches long. Elijah was born at just 26 weeks 1 day gestation (14 weeks early)
Just popping over from the August 06 IV board to check on E. He's beautiful and I couldn't be happier for you that he's doing so well. What a charmer!
He looks great! Has he put on weight? How did the procedure go?
Tara (PAL)
Just checking in to see how you guys are doing! We've missed you over on the Aug board, but totally understand how life takes over. Hope this find you well. I've seen you on DS a few times as well.
Big hugs to you guys!
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